Caltech Quantitative Finance Group | MC 228-77 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125

Caltech Quantitative Finance Group

9/15/2012 - Campus Recruiting Event Announcement - 10/15/2012, WorldQuant, 4-6PM @ 414 South Holiston, Red Room - Conference Room.

9/12/2012 - Caltech Quant Group is happy to announce that we now have a subscription to the QuantQuote Cloud data services. This subscription gives Caltech faculty and students access to over 14 years of minute, second, and tick resolution data for all US stocks. This is a much more comprehensive database than CHSD and we actively encourage users to migrate to the QuantQuote Cloud. For running jobs locally though, CHSD is still an invaluable resource. For more information about the QuantQuote Cloud, please see this page.

3/1/2012 - Added 3 months of tick resolution data.

2/23/2011 - Added over 900 ETFs to CHSD.

3/13/2010 - Scheduled downtime.  Computing cluster will be unavailable from 5PM to 8PM PST.

3/11/2010 - CHSD is offline for maintenance, remote database access will be restored on 3/19/2010

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